416-464-7699 |
High Park/Bloor West Village - Toronto

COVID-19 Protocol and Policies
This site is updated regularly until end of camp season to stay up-to-date with provincial measures related to COVID-19.
The rules and policies outlined below are aligned with Ministry of Health and Toronto Public Health guidelines. Please check this page regularly as these guidelines change frequently.
Vaccination Policy:
All campers and staff Ages 12 and above must be fully vaccinated and must show proof of vaccination to attend camps.
Contact Tracing:
Campers must fill out the online contact tracing form daily: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/
Campers must bring a printout or email us the clearance daily at: stem@codeithacks.com
Cancellation and Refund Policy
For cancellations made for any reasons until May 1st, the deposit is refundable less a $25 administrative fee per camper.
For cancellations made between May 1st and June 1st, 50% of the total fees are refundable.
For cancellations made after June 1st, no refunds will be made.
No refunds will be made for camp days missed due to general illness or personal matters. Days missed cannot be made up in other sessions
COVID related Cancellation and Refund Policy:
If there is a positive COVID-19 case in your camper’s cohort, will contact Toronto Public Health for further guidelines on isolation. Should you have to isolate as a result of COVID-19 positive case while at Code-it Hacks camp, a full refund will be issued to you.
Refunds will not be given for days missed for any reason other than a positive COVID-19 case in your camper’s cohort. If your camper is absent, days cannot be made up.
If your camper tests positive for COVID-19 due to outside of camp sources, refunds and/or credits will not be provided for days missed
Below requirements are subject to change per guidelines from Ministry of Health and Toronto Public Health
Code-it Hacks camp is taking the following necessary measures to provide a safe and fun camp experience for all participants.
Each camp cohort will only accommodate 10 campers
Code-it Hacks camps will continue to run in team and collaborative format. However, campers will maintain physical distancing throughout the camp duration
All seating is separated by plexiglass barriers
HEPA filters run in each classroom and in the common areas of the facility
Masks are mandatory for all campers and staff
The facility, equipment and furniture are cleaned and disinfected daily before arrival and after dismissal
All attendees will have to provide the following at arrival:
A temperature reading no higher than 98.6 F
Contact tracing self-assessment printout
For any further concerns and questions, please contact us at hello@codeithacks.com