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COVID-19 Protocol and Policies

This site is updated regularly until end of camp season to stay up-to-date with provincial measures related to COVID-19.


The rules and policies outlined below are aligned with Ministry of Health and Toronto Public Health guidelines. Please check this page regularly as these guidelines change frequently.


Vaccination Policy:


All campers and staff Ages 12 and above must be fully vaccinated and must show proof of vaccination to attend camps.


Contact Tracing:


Campers must fill out the online contact tracing form daily:

Campers must bring a printout or email us the clearance daily at:



Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • For cancellations made for any reasons until May 1st, the deposit is refundable less a $25 administrative fee per camper.

  • For cancellations made between May 1st and June 1st, 50% of the total fees are refundable.

  • For cancellations made after June 1st, no refunds will be made.

  • No refunds will be made for camp days missed due to general illness or personal matters. Days missed cannot be made up in other sessions


COVID related Cancellation and Refund Policy:

  • If there is a positive COVID-19 case in your camper’s cohort, will contact Toronto Public Health for further guidelines on isolation. Should you have to isolate as a result of COVID-19 positive case while at Code-it Hacks camp, a full refund will be issued to you.

  • Refunds will not be given for days missed for any reason other than a positive COVID-19 case in your camper’s cohort. If your camper is absent, days cannot be made up.

  • If your camper tests positive for COVID-19 due to outside of camp sources, refunds and/or credits will not be provided for days missed





Below requirements are subject to change per guidelines from Ministry of Health and Toronto Public Health


  • Code-it Hacks camp is taking the following necessary measures to provide a safe and fun camp experience for all participants.


  • Each camp cohort will only accommodate 10 campers


  • Code-it Hacks camps will continue to run in team and collaborative format. However, campers will maintain physical distancing throughout the camp duration


  • All seating is separated by plexiglass barriers


  • HEPA filters run in each classroom and in the common areas of the facility


  • Masks are mandatory for all campers and staff


  • The facility, equipment and furniture are cleaned and disinfected daily before arrival and after dismissal

  • All attendees will have to provide the following at arrival:

    • A temperature reading no higher than 98.6 F

    • Contact tracing self-assessment printout



For any further concerns and questions, please contact us at


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